Different Running shoes for different Runs?

Do YOU wear different Running shoes for different types of Runs?

Jeg gør! and that’s one of the questions from this week’s @RunEatRepeat Q&A. I’m sharing some of the answers here so I can link to much more info as needed.

Question: favorite Running Shoes? Do you wear different ones for different running objectives?
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Answer: My favorite running shoes are whichever ones I’m wearing that day! My all time favorite running shoes are the Brooks tie dye Running shoes from a while back. I think that model was very popular and stayed around for a while but I don’t see it available now. I’ll link to my faves below.

To answer the second part of the question – Yes, I wear different running shoes for different types of runs. but I ran several half marathons and full marathons before I started rotating my shoes. So, I don’t think it’s necessary. You can run in ONE pair of shoes – just make sure you get a new pair once those hit their max mileage.

Also, running shoes are expensive and the prices seem to be going up faster than the prices of other gear. (I think that’s thanks to Nike selling $300 running shoes and other companies realizing they can increase prices and people will pay.)

If you don’t have multiple pairs of running shoes – at least have a pair of shoes that are just FOR RUNNING, and a pair of shoes that you wear for walking, cross training, errands, etc. This way you don’t put extra miles on your running shoes and they’ll last longer.

Who needs different types of Running Shoes?

If you’re running for general fitness, weight loss or to train for a race with a goal of finishing – you don’t need different types of running shoes. It’s good if you have 2 pairs of your fave running shoes to rotate, but they don’t have to be different types because you’re probably not doing a lot of challenging speed runs.

If you’re focused on endurance and/or finishing a race and your plan is primarily miles without speedwork – you don’t need different types of running shoes, but 2 pairs of your fave shoes are terrific to rotate.

If you’re training for a race and doing speedwork, long runs and easy runs – you may benefit from different types of running shoes you can wear based on the type of run you’re doing that day. (Again, it’s not required but is terrific if you can afford it.)

My favorite Running shoes (Right Now)

My favorite Running shoes for easy runs are comfortable and durable. I rotate these a lot just depending on what I’m feeling that day/week. I wear these for long runs too. My go to run shoes in this category are:

Altra Rivera Running shoes – These are so comfortable and have a terrific broad toe box which is terrific to avoid black toenails during marathon training.

HOKA Running shoes Bondi 7 – These are the most cushiony and light shoes ever. I started wearing them (again) after I broke my foot and wanted extra cushion to safeguard it. They’re so light I wear them for easy runs and walking Diego.

My favorite Running shoes for long runs, speedwork, tempo runs, races – are typically a neutral shoe, cushioned and light. These are my many versatile running shoes. If you only have ONE pair of running shoes I’d suggest it be something similar to these:

Brooks Ghost 14 Running shoes in a very cute design and color options.

Brooks Ghost 14 Running shoes in a colorful camo design.

Brooks launch 8 Running shoes comes in terrific designs and colors too. the best ones sell out fast so if you see it, get it.

My favorite Running shoes for speedwork are developed for speed runs and typically light, much more minimal and have a higher base. Some examples are:

Nike Zoom Fly 4 Running shoes (women’s sizing) – these are light and fast and come in a bright yellow that just looks fast.

Nike Zoom Fly 4 Running shoes (men sizing)

And for walking Diego, cross training and life I wear retired running shoes or another pair of sneaks that I don’t wear to run.

Other questions this week…

Q: What’s your opinion on commando running?

A: I’m team NO CHONIES all the way.

See this post for Running underwear options

Q: How’s Mr. handsome Diego?

A: stunning and Happy.

Let me know if YOU have any questions! Tales ved.

Keep choosing these:

My favorite Running clothes Brands

Efterår løbende gear favoritter

Easy Green Chile Queso Opskrift

New Running shoe Disaster 

Follow @RunEatRepeat on Instagram for daily updates and tips.



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